Does anyone like rabbit stew? I am about to have a rabbit for you to use as you please. This miserable little bunny climbed aboard my Christmas bear that was outside my front window. He used it as a hiding place away from the snow and wind. Well, now that would of been okay but he also chewed through the wiring that went into the bears head and also chewed off ten or more bulbs. Now I am wondering why he wasn't electrocuted when he did all this but evidently he is a blessed rabbit and lived through it all. Of course all the lighting in the bears head is now no longer working. I am waiting with my 22 rifle and maybe will have some fresh meat for anyone that wants it. Just give me a call. I will admit he is a cute little bunny but you can only take so much. One of his relatives chewed off my flowers this summer and he made his way into bunny heaven. He does have a new name!! Nothing that I would print here though. My grandkids say I swear, well now this would make anyone swear.

Danette might be interested in some rabbit stew...Danette, you up for it? could you bring that up? The trauma of Rabbit stew has caused me to question my entire childhood! I have a better idea...why don't you let Bailey take care of it!!
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