This is Tys' flax field just north of my house. How pretty it is when it is in full bloom. I have flax to the north, to the west and to the south of my house
This is Tys' canola field. There are female plants and male plants. Now can you imagine doing the sexing on those seeds. It would be almost as bad as sexing chickens. They spray to get rid of the female plants for whatever reason. I don't know!!! This is canola for seed.
This is Tys' barley field. It is beautiful. I really hope the storms don't damage it before Ty gets it harvested.
Now, this is my green grass that I have been faithfully watering every day. Wish me luck with this project. I have a long ways to go before it will need mowing.

looking good ty! and especially to grandma and her lawn!! :)
Looks good! That lawn is looking awesome, like a lush green carpet.
I do think artifical turf would of been a good idea.
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