This is an 8 row selfpropelled corn chopper. Neato!!
Jerry in the Case IH coming back from pulling this truck out
of the mud or wheel track where "she" ended up stuck. What
a terrible thing to happen to the only female driver on the
job. I am sure she wishes it would of been one of the men
that happened to find the soft area instead of her.
One semi fully up-ended to dump his silage
Justin packing silage
Justin doing the packing with the JD
Now this was a job I would never do as it scared
the living daylights out of me to go up on that pile.
Fully loaded semi
Starting to raise the bed
Up we go
Fully extended to dump the corn silage
And away we go. Very interesting I think
The chopper in the field with one truck about full
Ty in the loader tractor pushing the silage up
and Justin in the JD packing it. Great teamwork.