It seems there are many of these little birds to feed. I tried to get a picture of several at one time but they flit around so quickly that it is hard to get a good picture.
We had snow on the ground this morning and then it continued to snow for a couple of hours. Justin then decided to mow our lawn, what there is of it. He used an old fashioned lawn mower with a lot of muscle behind it. What a good guy.
I was actually too late to take a picture of them doing the planting. This is the outfit that does the work. There are 2 people on the back end that put the trees into the ground. The one on the front usually walks along and tamps in any trees that aren't in right or leaning. She usually doesn't ride there.
The little barn swallows above the windows must of been to cold to fly as they just sat there for their picture. The geese are here all summer to raise their babies.
Evidently someone should of been watching the weather forecast. This is what happens when it gets down to 19 degrees and an irrigation unit is left running all night. Thankfully it didn't come down as has happened before to a neighbor, not us.